
Open Interest | Volume | IV | Premium | Strikes | Premium | IV | Volume | Open Interest |
> Option Chain
What is Option Chain
Option Chain is a matrix/table listing all the details about all the Option Contracts. Option Premiums/Prices, Expiry Date, Open Interest, Implied Volatility & Volume. Quantsapp’s Option Chain also has Option Greeks updating in Real-Time Options offer a lot of “Options” to traders with its inherent characteristic of having limited loss and much higher potential profits for the Buyers of the options. However, the trade data of the options also holds a lot of information. Especially Option Chain data which accounts for incoming and outgoing participants.
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Max Pain
Benefits of Option Chain
Option chain gives you the details of all the listed Option Contracts on the exchange. Traders can identify levels based on Open Interest data. Volume also gives an idea of the liquidity of the contract. Unlike Futures, Options are sensitive to multiple variables, take a well calculated Risk by conducting sensitivity Option Chain Analysis via What-If Analysis.
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Open Interest Analysis
What’s in the Option Chain?
Implied Volatility
Implied Volatility is the volatility figure that the Option Premium trading in the market indicates. The implied volatility figure indicates the market assessment of volatility and could be higher or lower than the historical volatility. The behavior of the Implied Volatility compared to the behavior of the underlying can help get an insight into an upcoming move.
Option Greeks (Delta, Theta, Vega, Gamma)
Option Greeks give an insight on the options positions. It throws light on favorable & unfavorable scenarios.Delta: Delta is the rate of change of the options price with respect to the price of the underlying.Deltas can be positive or negative. Deltas can also be thought of as the probability that the option will be in profits upon expiring. Having a delta neutral portfolio can be a great way to mitigate directional risk from market moves for options sellers. Delta for Long Call Options are from 0 to 1 and for Long Put Options are from -1 to 0.Theta: Theta measures the rate of change in an options price relative to time. This is also referred to as time decay. Theta values are negative in buy option positions and positive in sell option positions.Vega: Vega is the Greek metric that allows us to see our exposure to changes in implied volatility (the volatility implied by option premium). Vega values represent the change in an option’s price given a 1% move in implied volatility, all else equal.Gamma: Gamma is second-order derivative of the underlying. The rate of change in delta is known as gamma. In simple words, it is the momentum of the instrument.
What Live Option Chain Explains in the Table
Call & Put Options
Get Live Call & Put option details which update in Real Time.A buyer of a call option has the right to the buyer (not the obligation) to purchase the underlying at a specified price & within a stipulated time. One buys a Call Option when one is bullish on market direction and expects prices to move significant upside.A buyer of the Put Option gives the right to the buyer to Sell the underlying at a specific price & within a specific time.One buys a Put Option when one is bearish on market direction and expects prices to move down.
Options Premium/Prices
The current market prices of option contracts. It is the premium paid by the Option Buyer and the premiums received by the Option Seller.If Underlying Price goes up Call Premium would go up and Underlying Price goes down Call Premium would go down. The premium of an Option Contract is the effect of the underlying’s price, moneyness (In-the-Money, Out-of-money, At-the-Money), Time to Expiry and implied volatility.
Expiration Date'
Expiry date is the date on which the Option Contract Expires. Option Contracts expire on the last Thursday of the Month.Index Options (Nifty & Bank Nifty Options have Weekly & Monthly expires whereas Stock Options have Monthly Expiries
Open Interest & Volume
Open interest refers to the total number of option contracts outstanding. Open Interest as the word suggests is the amount of interest in any derivatives instrument. The Indian equity derivatives market has two kinds of instruments Futures and Options, where Options have further 2 varieties: Call and Put Option Open Interest.Volume is the total number of shares traded over the period of time
Strike Price
Price at which we will Buy/Sell the underlying or Exercise price
What is the use of option chain in trading?
The use of option chains is one of the most important concepts in trading.Option chains are a series of options that are related to one another. They are used to show the prices for different types of options and their expiration dates.The first link in the chain is called the underlying asset, which is typically an equity or index.The second link in the chain is called a call option, which gives you the right to buy shares of that underlying asset at a certain price (the strike price) before it expires.The third link in the chain is called a put option, which gives you the right to sell shares of that underlying asset at a certain price (the strike price) before it expires.
Option Chain What-If Analysis
Options are sensitive to Price, Time & IV. Simulating the Real-Time effect of Premiums thereby MTM along with changes in Option Greeks to a specific time in future. Know how the premium will change to change in Implied volatility or days to expiry or underlying price. Convert any future trade / Future System to Options instantly by using Option Calculator with Black Scholes Model for Option Pricing